After the family reunion, we had a day before Jim's Noranda school friends arrived for their annual reunion. We decided to go to Aylmer on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River, to see if we could find Uncle Howard and Aunt Jean's house.
This is the Justice Building on Wellington Street in Ottawa. It was originally built for the RCMP in the 1930s and is now offices for some Members of Parliament.
I decided to go for it. Hopefully no one would yell at me for trespassing...
Not much of a path here...

This is their house when we last visited them in 1999.
And this is what I found behind the trees! The house is still there!
You could see the garage on the left...
What it looked like in 1999...
Uncle Howard and Aunt Jean...all of this brought up more questions than answers. Who lived next door in Stephen's house? We knew he had passed away. If you didn't know that Uncle Howard's house had existed, you'd probably never find it.
And just to fill in the tour, we tracked down Uncle Alex's house, brother to Uncle Howard. I might find more information from Jim's cousin, Judy. This was her home growing up.
With that trip down memory lane completed, we headed back to Ottawa. This Presbyterian church was near our hotel. Loved the beautiful ivy on it...
Nelson Mandela Square, which was built to recognize his lifelong devotion to democracy and equality...Mandela visited in 1998.
And our Noranda friends had arrived! Dianne and Ray on the left. Barb, on the right, was joining us with her camera-shy husband, Leo, for the first time. There would definitely be rehashing of old stories.
Jim, Rick, Leo (hiding), Bill and Tracie...the guys have known each other since the 1940s. Crazy!
The next day everyone was busy doing Ottawa things, and we decided to explore the family history a little further. We had read about Charron House in Jacques Cartier Park, so went in search of it. Philomen Wright was Jim's great great great grandfather.
Maison Charron was built in 1827-1828 on land owned by Philomen Wright. Charron had to "give up" the house in 1829 to Wright. It was used as a private residence until the late 19th century.
Jim in front of Maison Charron...pretty neat to think his ancestors probably stood in the same place.
I think we did the family history proud on this trip...
Back on Wellington Street in Ottawa...I never miss an opportunity to take a picture of Centre Block.
We went for dinner that night at a restaurant close by, Johnny Farina. It was very good.
The gang, minus Rick and Tracie...
Jim and I went out for a walk the next day...this cool 3D map of Ottawa really helped me put things in perspective.
The other side, showing Quebec...
Lovely statue...there was hardly a soul around.
Loved this...
Look at his sweet face...
This photo was depicted on the stairs...
I think my angle was a little off...
Jim always waiting patiently while I take pictures...
City Hall...
Hey...the changing of the guard again!
I think we better go for dinner...looking a little goofy!
Ray, Bill, Rick and Jim. Sadly, two of the group have passed away, and Andy and Louise were unable to join us this year.
We look like a sleepy bunch! In a goosebumps moment, Bill had just toasted those who are no longer with us (his wife, Christie, and school friends, John and Les), when the Maroon 5 song "Memories" began to play in the restaurant. You can listen here if you're not familiar with the song. It was spooky and also very cool.
Jim looking quite pleased with himself! It was another good visit with old friends.
It was time to hit the road and head for home. Lots of traffic delays...
We stayed in Riviere-du-Loup for the night...Jim surveying the fog.
It was so foggy, you couldn't tell that the mighty St. Lawrence River runs behind the hotel across the street.
A little clearer the next morning...
Look at the size of that hill! Riviere-du-Loup is really pretty.
Love the green...
The construction on this highway is never-ending...
Look at how much equipment there is!
Getting close to NB now...
I think I also take this same photo every time we go by...
Yay to New Brunswick! Always glad to get home.
I was so happy to see Cleo and Pepper. The spa lady sent them home with new toys...Pepper's face 😂
The silo with some buildings visible...
And what it looked like in 1999...

While we were visiting the farm in 1999, we also had the opportunity to go to Aunt Edith's (Uncle Howard's sister) 100th birthday party. We had been doing a good down home tour with Jim's sister, Joanne; her husband, Dick; and her daughter, Teresa. A young Patrick was with us as well. We all look young!
Pink's Garden Centre had been owned for many years by one of Uncle Howard's nephews. Even after it was sold, they had retained the Pink name. It wasn't looking too prosperous any more.
Back on Wellington Street in Ottawa...I never miss an opportunity to take a picture of Centre Block.
The gang, minus Leo...he was the photographer!
I'm thinking this motel hasn't had much business recently...
Beautiful and serene...I almost expected a moose!
Back in our happy place on the balcony...
It was a great trip with lots of family and friends!