Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ahhh...Sea Days!

The sea days were so relaxing. I captured this beautiful sunrise one morning...time lapse 30 minutes.

And then one day I was fixated on the waves. When you stood on the deck closest to the water, it was mesmerizing to watch the different waves. I just loved the blue colour. There were no cats or trees to photograph, so I had to find something!

We progressed across the ocean...

We found the entertainment on Celebrity to be particularly good. They had these trivia questions before one of the shows. Look! A geography question I could answer!

The aerialists in the show were outstanding. We preferred the male and female aerialists on the first leg of the cruise who got off in Barcelona, but the next pair were certainly very good.

Beautiful sea days...

We're almost there...

I took the time to photograph some of the "art" on board. Seriously, some of it was laughable, but they did make interesting conversation pieces...

Yes, I guess this is art...

Hard to photograph it without the reflection. This is a guy on a ladder in a tree..

And a gorgeous sunset to end our cruise...

And here we are in Fort Lauderdale. The yacht was pretty  nice...

Fantastic cruise...very port intensive and so much information to take in, but we loved it. Here ends the Holy Land blog!

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