Wednesday, March 20, 2024

A Sea Day and A Hot Day in Antigua

I parked the car at the cruise terminal without too much chaos. Who am I kidding? It was a zoo. Trying to find out where we dropped our luggage off before parking was the goal. The terminal workers have no time for pleasantries and were waving everyone in different directions. Whew...we made it! 

View of the Enchanted Princess from the lounge as we waited to board...

Ta-da!! We made it! 

The TV had a view from the front of the ship. There were many ships in port that day.

Busy Fort Lauderdale...

These screens were around the ship and were interactive. Definitely an upgrade since our last cruise in 2019. 

The rooms weren't quite ready and we didn't have our luggage yet, so we headed to the Piazza to have a coffee and kill time.

The Piazza is beautiful...the ship was launched in 2019 and carries 3660 passengers and 1346 crew.

Stanley the Bear is the mascot. He/She must have been so hot in that costume.

We had been conversing with a group of people online leading up to the cruise, and a meet and greet was planned. We headed up to deck 16 for the sailaway. This is the 17th Street Bridge.

We did find our group and chatted with everyone. Sadly, I neglected to take any photos. Time to head out to sea...

See you in 10 days!

The view below us was of the life boats. We could have jumped into one if need be. 

Our first day was at sea and there was lots to keep us busy. It's always nice to attend some of the lectures. 

It's helpful to learn about some of the ports of call, especially if you haven't been to them. Boiling Lake!

Meanwhile in the Piazza, there was always something going on. Today a game of Jenga.

Very serious!

We played bingo. It was expensive, but fun. These prices are in $US. We didn't win, so ticked that off the list of things to do.

Feeling pretty chill...

Loved the new (well, new to us!) Medallion system. As you approached your door, it would unlock. When you went to the bar, on their screen they could see your room number and your picture and could call you by name. Pretty slick...

Formal has changed a lot for us over the years. We no longer bring suits and fancy dresses. You see just about everything on formal night from tuxedos to shorts.

Formal nights always include the champagne waterfall. There was an audible gasp as one lady tripped on the carpet near the glasses, but managed to catch herself.

Finding ducks is a thing sort of like a scavenger hunt. I found this guy in one of the lounges and hid it again for someone else to discover.

So peaceful...

Our first port of call was Antigua. This looked like a little island...

But turned out to be attached after all. We didn't have any plans in Antigua, having been there before in 2011. How is it possible it was that long ago!

Our view for the day was this cruise ship...

Although we could see some of St. John's Harbor behind us.

I decided to go for a manicure, which are always cheaper on the days the ship is in port. The nail technicians are usually from Jamaica and do a great job.

We decided to get off and wander around the port area. This was a good idea. Snap a picture, just in case you need help in port.

Your reminder to be back on board by 5:30 pm...

It was hot and very humid...

The stern of our ship...

This area was full of touristy shops and people trying to get you to take a tour.

Not sure what the purple tulle was for. We did a walk around and then decided it was cooler and more comfortable on board!

Ahhh...air conditioning. Pretty happy to be back on board. I was a sweaty mess.

Enjoyed an iced coffee...

Someone is looking quite pleased with himself!

The entertainment that night was a lady from Jamaica, who was performing Whitney Houston songs. She was very good, but there was only one Whitney.

I think I had cooled down by now...

Tomorrow, we will be in Martinique, which is a new port for us. 

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