Friday, March 22, 2024

A Swim and a Sunburn in St. Lucia

Our next port was St. Lucia...sailing into Point Seraphine in the early morning...

Once again, we would not be the only ship in port that day.

Temperature of 29 seemed pretty good...

We watched from our balcony as the people waiting for tours huddled under the trees for shade.

We got off the ship and walked towards the cruise terminal. We were on a Princess tour today, so we figured the meeting point couldn't be too difficult.

Lots of shops to browse in...

One thing we have learned is that if you have a person in a wheelchair, you will be at the front of the line. This was part of the line-up behind us as we waited for our boat. We were going on a tour to see the Pitons.

And because we were at the front of the line, we got first choice of seats on board. To the front of the boat...

Sadly, I don't think I got a picture of the boat we were on. Heading out around this rock, which had a fortress-like building on it.

The lady on the left was also the bartender, and her crew mate was in charge of tying the boat up, among other things.

He was the designated jump off and tie up the boat guy...

Finally got to have a swim or a soak in the warm waters of the Caribbean. We were not that far from shore, and the water depth increased pretty quickly.

This gentleman and I went from happily paddling to being thrown onto the beach! When the waves came in, they were strong!

It was a lovely day...

I was thinking now that our boat looked like this one...

A pirate ship!

80% alcohol...that is strong rum!

Our bartender and deckhand...

The Pitons in the was actually quite a long sail to get there. They are volcanic plugs (also called volcanic necks) and are formed when lava hardens in a vent. They became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2004, as there are more than 160 species of finfish found in the coral reefs around them.

Heading was very peaceful and hot!

It was not unusual to see clusters of homes... old lookout?

A more populated area...

Another tour boat...we probably looked similar to this.

A lonely house...I wonder how many hurricanes it has withstood.


We sailed into Marigot Bay just for a peek...lots of nice restaurants.

A sea cave...

The hospital and wellness centre...

Whew...our ship! That was a long sail and we lacked sufficient sunscreen. Helicopter tours would have been a much faster way to the Pitons!

A popular spot for photos...

Yikes! This is how much sand fell out of my bathing suit when I took it off! That tumble in the water was epic!

Looking quite pleased with our day...

Our daily game of Five Crowns...

Dinner menu...the food was very good.

We went in search of the ice cream bar. It's amazing how there are thousands of people on board, but you can still find quiet areas.

A lovely day...sunburn effects came later! Tomorrow we will be in Dominica.

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