Sunday, March 24, 2024

Easy Days in Dominica and St. Thomas

Our port for the day was Dominica (pronounced dom-in-EE-ka as explained by the port lecturer). Lots of nature type things to do, but we opted to stay on board for the day. The view from the front of the ship with some early morning fog...

Almost a full rainbow!

No trip is ever complete without a visit to a hospital or the medical centre on board ship. This trip was no exception!

Poor Jim hit his arm on the bathroom door. Door=1, Jim's arm=0. And to add to it, a lovely sunburn from St. Lucia! 
It's very chill on board when the ship is in port. Nice quiet vibe in the Piazza...

Apparently, we did nothing noteworthy that day because we're now sailing away.

It was very relaxing...

There is a lounge for platinum and elite guests...also another nice quiet spot. They had finger foods set out and featured the drink of the day.

A little wave action is always nice. Sometimes the sea is so calm that you forget you're on a ship.

A little Elton John performance. 

Something has apparently made us laugh! Maybe because I had the camera turned on us instead of the stage.

That's better...he was actually quite good and we loved all the old footage. 

It can be a long walk down the corridor...

The next day we sailed into St. Thomas...

Evidence of more fortresses...

The view from our balcony with the tour buses lining up. A scattering of houses on the hill...

The view from the front of the ship. Beautiful water...

Jim opted out of the tour today. We had been to St. Thomas before and he was happier on board.

The shopping area near the port, where the guide would be dropping us off after the tour.

Music lessons and crabs...a good combo!

Our first stop was the Home Depot parking lot. Nothing surprises us anymore. 

There was a tree that our guide wanted to show us. The miracle tree leaves are apparently good for many can chew the leaves, brew them in tea, heat them and use the oil for ear aches. 

We were heading to Beacon Point...

Washrooms are always a plus on any tour, especially when surrounded by beautiful flowers.

You could get a drink, do a bit of shopping...

The view was spectacular...

This tree has seen one too many hurricanes...the last major one was Hurricane Irma in 2017.

Interesting display of bottles...

A few tour vehicles...

Beautiful views...we could see our cruise ship.

Picture perfect...

Off to our next stop...the home of the Banana Daiquiri!

Signs, signs...

The popular Cruzan rum...

No lack of advertising! I didn't plan to have a banana daiquiri in the morning, but when in the Virgin Islands...

Another touristy shopping spot...they did have some lovely things.

Gotta love it...complete with pirates!

And now we know the history of the banana daiquiri!

Our guide with our tour vehicle. It was a nice-sized group. The couple sitting next to me adopted me for the day.

More pirates!

And the lineup for the daiquiri...

This picture breaks my heart. She didn't look up even when you put a tip in the jar; she just kept making daiquiris. 

It was quite tasty and even better with the surroundings...

Loved the chain of islands...

I was trying to avoid getting too much sun after our epic day in St. Lucia. My shoulders were still burning...

Touristy, but it was also very informative.

Bananas...they must need a lot for all those daiquiris!

And back on the road, which wasn't very wide.

Years later, some areas still have not recovered from the storm damage.

Hello, Enchanted Princess. Home again!

For some reason, the guides could pick us up, but couldn't drop us off? I think it probably has more to do with making sure we walk by the shops.

It was so hot!

Back on board...look where we are, again!

Jim bashed his other arm on the same door in our cabin. The funny thing is you have to fill out an accident report, and they come to your room to investigate in case there is a hazard. There was no need for a second investigation. Just repeat yesterday's! They did laugh, but also said "Slow down!"

We each had a drink package (which you can't share). It was 5:25 pm and we still had 15 drinks to redeem. I was thinking we were going to be well under our quota for the day!

Back in our favourite spot overlooking the Piazza. We saw this lady most days, always in some sort of elaborate costume. And no, she wasn't part of the entertainment. Well, not a paid part...she was entertaining.  

The show that night was a Rock Opera...

We enjoyed the shows and the costumes were always amazing.

Tomorrow, we will be in Turks and Caicos, our last port.

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