Thursday, April 25, 2019

A Sunset Cruise in Cayo Santa Maria

We walked by this sign every day. Of course, I never bothered to read it...

Until Jim pointed this out. 😲

I was so happy when I would see the black cat. Today he got chicken that I taken from the buffet at breakfast.

Oooh...cute towel design...

Time for a sunset cruise...I thought we were eating dinner on the boat, so I was surprised that we were going out on a catamaran similar to the one we did the snorkeling excursion on. Turns out we're eating after we get off the boat. Huh!

Lovely day for a boat ride...

Some people opted for sitting on the netting and watching the water go by underneath. I could picture what a performance it would be getting off it, so we stayed on solid ground.

Sun starting to go down...

Sometimes we were pretty close to shore...

This looks quite a development!

Pretty relaxed...

Sinking lower...

Even with the sun going down, it was still pretty warm...

Almost set...

And it turns out that this is pretty standard fare on any better after everyone has had a few drinks!

After we got off the boat, we went to the dolphinarium again, only this time we saw more of the type of show I was expecting the first time.

The dolphins seem to enjoy performing. I hope it's a good life for them.

They are so smart...I wonder how they train them to do all this stuff?

The moonwalk...

After the dolphin show, we had dinner in the restaurant with a couple that we met on boat...from Fredericton. Gotta love it!

That was fun...our time is winding down.

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